Senin, 29 September 2008

Laros Elektor v2.1 Microcontroller Downloader

Laros ATMEL ISP Software ( Downloader )

Belajar pemrograman 8051 dan mengembangkan kode dengan cepat dan mudah, dengan Laros mikrokontroller traniner board. Laros mikrokontroller 8051 traniner board memanfaatkan sebuah AT89S52 ATMEL Microcontroler dengan 8k In-System Flash Memory, yang mana dapat diprogram dan diprogram ulang dengan mudah dengan menggunakan standard download Laros ATMEL ISP software. Board ini mempunyai keunggulan antar lain : delapan LED's, 8 pushbuttons, konektor LCD graphic 16x2 dan Serial Communiation RS232 telah tersedia pada board ini, sehingga mempermudah pengembangan kode dan pengujian secara langsung tanpa melepas IC/ chip yang terpasang pada board. Board type LA-S2 dapat digunakan untuk IC seri Atmel AT89S51, AT89S52, AT89S53, AT89S8252, AT89S8253. Semua port I/O's telah tersedia dengan koneksi ke male headers, standard plugs dapat digunakan. Program Run switch juga telah tersedia. Sebuah reset push-button juga disiapkan untuk melakukan reset ke mikrokontroller.

Hanya --- Rp. 230.000,-

Catatan: Pada setiap pembelian, power supply tidak disertakan. Catu daya yang diperlukan sebesar 9 volt, dc teregulasi (dijual secara terpisah: Rp.50.000, Fitur: Output voltage: +5V/ 2A, +12V/1A, -12V/1A).

Fitur :

  • Mendukung IC AT89S51, AT89S52, AT89S53, AT89S8252, AT89S8253.
  • Crystal(11.592 MHz)
  • Semua I/O pins terkoneksi ke header untuk mempermudah koneksi eksternal.
  • Microcontroller traniner board ini dapat diprogram secara on-board, hanya dengan kabel serial untuk download program.
  • 8 Test Pushbuttons
  • 8 LED
  • Koneksi RS232
  • Switch Mode Serial/ISP: Mode Serial digunakan untuk mode Komunikasi Komputer dengan Program Aplikasi seperti Visual Basic, Delphi, dll tapun dengan perangkat Handphone juga dapat digunakan mode ISP digunakan untuk pengisian / penghapusan memory IC dengan menggunakan program downloader Laros Atmel ISP v2.3.
  • Koneksi LCD 2x16 ( 4 bit mode )

Setiap pembelian akan disertakan:

1. CD Copy Software Microcontroller Laros ATMEL ISP ( Download Software ), ASM51, SDCC dan Reads51 ( Editor, assembler, C compiler dan debug dapat digunakan untuk pemrograman C)

2. Petunjuk Penggunaan Trainer Kit

4. Kabel Komunikasi Serial RS232 sekaligus sebagai kabel downloader

5. Rangkaian skematik untuk contoh-contoh percobaan

6. Contoh - contoh program percobaan sederhana

Fitur Printed Circuit Board (PCB)

  • 100mm x 100mm
  • Component Overlay Diagram (on top)
  • Singgle sided circuit board

Untuk menggunakan trainer ini deperlukan:

Komputer dengan minimum CPU Pentium 64M RAM dengan CDROM drive dan Parallel Port, program dapat bekerja di OS Windows 98®, Win2000,XP atau yang terbaru.

Reads51® atau Editor / assembler / Compiler yang sama - Free Provided.

Laros ATMEL ISP - Free Provided by Laros-edu Inc.

Perlu 5v DC regulated power supply 500mA atau lebih besar dengan 2 pin header female connector.

Tunggu Apalagi.. pesan sekarang juga...

Cara Pembelian: ( prosedur lihat halaman lampiran )

  1. Langsung:

Rumah: Jl. Prabu Loro, blekang SD Bakungan kec.Glagah Kab. Banyuwangi 68432

Kampus: Laboratorium Mikrokontroller, Jurusan Elektronika Industri Community College Banyuwangi, Jl. Kuntulan no.1 Glagah Banyuwangi - Jawa Timur.

Hubungi telp/SMS:

Ibnu Budi R, HP: +62-081 2525 2497

  1. Online

Website :

Email: (form order kit)

Pembayaran: Bank Transfer

Bank Mandiri Cabang Banyuwangi, No.Rekening: 143 000 487 2014,


Hubungi telp/SMS:

Ibnu Budi Rahardjo, Home: 0333-414129, HP:081 2525 2497

Catatan (untuk pembelian online):

Tambahkan Rp. 30.000* untuk biaya pengiriman Luar P. Jawa bila memesan lebih dari 3 buah.
Tambahkan Rp. 10.000* untuk biaya pengiriman P. Jawa

*Pengiriman barang menggunakan Jasa TIKIJNE / PT.POS, biaya jasa pengiriman tersebut dapat berubah disesuaikan dengan KG barang + kemasan dan lokasi pemesan, dengan waktu pengiriman paling lama 10 hari untuk Luar P.Jawa.

Display Keypad Data to LED

In this lesson we are like to design, how to scan keypad 4 x 4, and then display it to LED.

Step 1st
Build the circuit as shown in figure 2.8.2. As you seen on figure 2.2.8. P3.0 trough P3.7 is connected to keypad 4 x 4 and to drive LEDs, it's connected to P2.0 trough P2.7.

Step 2nd
In this step, you must tipe the assembly program to scan your keypad data, we assume that you have already known the editor, we used RIDE-51 to edit the program. ( Download File : )

;In this lesson we'll scan keypad and get data out to LED
;and convert it into binary data
row1 bit P2.4
row2 bit P2.5
row3 bit P2.6
row4 bit P2.7
col1 bit P2.0
col2 bit P2.1
col3 bit P2.2
col4 bit P2.3
keydata equ 70h
keybounc equ 71h
keyport equ P2
org 0h
start: call keypad4x4 ;calling subroutine keypad4x4
Mov A,keydata ;A = keydata
Cjne A,#0FFh,send ;
send: CPL A ;A = NOT A
Mov P0,A ;P0 = A
delay: mov R0,#0
delay1:mov R2,#50
djnz R2,$
djnz R0,delay1
; subroutine scan keypad 4x4
mov keybounc,#50 ;keybounc = 50
mov keyport,#0FFh ;keyport=P2= FF
clr col1 ;col1= P3.0 = 0
Detect:jb row1,key1 ;jump to key1 if row1=1
djnz keybounc,Detect
mov keydata,#00h ;Keydata =00h
key1: jb row2,key2 ;jump to Key2 if row2=1
djnz keybounc,key1
mov keydata,#04h ;Keydata = 04h
key2: jb row3,key3 ; idem
djnz keybounc,key2
mov keydata,#08h
key3: jb row4,key4 ; idem
djnz keybounc,key3
mov keydata,#0Ch
key4: setb col1
clr col2
jb row1,key5
djnz keybounc,key4
mov keydata,#01h
key5: jb row2,key6
djnz keybounc,key5
mov keydata,#05h
key6: jb row3,key7
djnz keybounc,key6
mov keydata,#09h
key7: jb row4,key8
djnz keybounc,key7
mov keydata,#0Dh
key8: setb col2
clr col3
jb row1,key9
djnz keybounc,key8
mov keydata,#02h
key9: jb row2,keyA
djnz keybounc,key9
mov keydata,#06h
keyA: jb row3,keyB
djnz keybounc,keyA
mov keydata,#0Ah
keyB: jb row4,keyC
djnz keybounc,keyB
mov keydata,#0Eh
keyC: setb col3
clr col4
jb row1,keyD
djnz keybounc,keyC
mov keydata,#03h
keyD: jb row2,keyE
djnz keybounc,keyD
mov keydata,#07h
keyE: jb row3,keyF
djnz keybounc,keyE
mov keydata,#0Bh
keyF: jb row4,Nokey
djnz keybounc,keyF
mov keydata,#0Fh
Nokey:mov keydata,#0FFh
;The end of Keypad 4x4 subroutine

Step 3rd
Safe your assembly program above, and name it with key1.asm (for example) Compile the program that you have been save by using RIDE-51, see the software instruction.

Step 4th
Download your hex file ( key1.hex ) into the microcontroller by using Microcontroller Laros ATMEL ISP software, see the instruction.After download this hex file you'll see the action of Keypad 4 x 4( of course if your cable connection and your program are corrected )

Display Keypad 4 x 4 with LCD Character 2 x16

After doing lesson 2.8.1. you can see that how easy to scan keypad and read data out to LED. In this lesson it's look like lesson 2.8.2. but the data will read out with LCD Character 2 x16.

Figure 2.8.3.Keypad Connection to Microcontroller

Step 1st
Build the circuit as shown in figure 2.8.3. As you seen on figure 2.8.2 P3.0 trough P3.7 is connected to keypad 4 x 4 and LCD Character 2x16 to read keypad data, connected to P0.0 trough P0.7., P2.0 and P2.1 connected to RS and EN each.

Step 2nd
In this step, you must tipe the assembly program to scan your keypad data, we assume that you have already known the editor, we used RIDE-51 to edit the program. ( Download File :

;the following experiment is used to scan 
;keypad 4x4 and result of scan will be released
;to LCD Character
row1 bit P3.4
row2 bit P3.5
row3 bit P3.6
row4 bit P3.7
col1 bit P3.0
col2 bit P3.1
col3 bit P3.2
col4 bit P3.3
keydata equ 70h
keybounc equ 71h
keyport equ P3
org 0h
start: call keypad4x4 ;calling subroutine keypad4x4
Mov A,keydata ;A = keydata
Cjne A,#0FFh,WrLCD;
WrLCD: Mov R1,#80h ;Pick DDRAM 1st row and 1st col
call write_inst
Mov R1,A
call write_data ;write data
mov r1,#00000001b ;Display clear
acall write_inst ;
mov r1,#00111000b ;Function set,
;Data 8 bit,2 line font 5x7
acall write_inst ;
mov r1,#00001100b ;Display on,
;cursor off,cursor blink off
acall write_inst
mov r1,#00000110b ;Entry mode, Set increment
acall write_inst
clr P2.0 ; RS = P2.0 = 0, write mode instruction
mov P0,R1 ; D7 s/d D0 = P0 = R1
setb P2.1 ; EN = 1 = P2.1
call delay; call delay time
clr P2.1 ; EN = 0 = P2.1
setb P2.0 ; RS = P2.0 = 1, write mode data
mov P0,R1 ; D7 s/d D0 = P0 = R1
setb P2.1 ; EN = 1 = P2.1
call delay; call delay time
clr p2.1 ; EN = 0 = P2.1
delay: mov R0,#0
delay1:mov R2,#50
djnz R2,$
djnz R0,delay1
; subroutine scan keypad 4x4
mov keybounc,#50 ;keybounc = 50
mov keyport,#0FFh ;keyport=P2= FF
clr col1 ;col1= P3.0 = 0
Detect:jb row1,key1 ;jump to Key1 if row1=1
djnz keybounc,Detect
mov keydata,#00h ;Keydata =00h
key1: jb row2,key2 ;jump to key2 if row2=1
djnz keybounc,key1
mov keydata,#04h ;Keydata = 04h
key2: jb row3,key3 ; idem
djnz keybounc,key2
mov keydata,#08h
key3: jb row4,key4 ; idem
djnz keybounc,key3
mov keydata,#0Ch
key4: setb col1
clr col2
jb row1,key5
djnz keybounc,key4
mov keydata,#01h
key5: jb row2,key6
djnz keybounc,key5
mov keydata,#05h
key6: jb row3,key7
djnz keybounc,key6
mov keydata,#09h
key7: jb row4,key8
djnz keybounc,key7
mov keydata,#0Dh
key8: setb col2
clr col3
jb row1,key9
djnz keybounc,key8
mov keydata,#02h
key9: jb row2,keyA
djnz keybounc,key9
mov keydata,#06h
keyA: jb row3,keyB
djnz keybounc,keyA
mov keydata,#0Ah
keyB: jb row4,keyC
djnz keybounc,keyB
mov keydata,#0Eh
keyC: setb col3
clr col4
jb row1,keyD
djnz keybounc,keyC
mov keydata,#03h
keyD: jb row2,keyE
djnz keybounc,keyD
mov keydata,#07h
keyE: jb row3,keyF
djnz keybounc,keyE
mov keydata,#0Bh
keyF: jb row4,Nokey
djnz keybounc,keyF
mov keydata,#0Fh
Nokey:mov keydata,#0FFh
;The end of Keypad 4x4 subroutine

Step 3rd
Safe your assembly program above, and name it with key2.asm (for example) Compile the program that you have been save by using RIDE-51, see the software instruction.

Step 4th
Download your hex file ( key2.hex ) into the microcontroller by using Microcontroller Laros ATMEL ISP software, see the instruction.After download this hex file you'll see the action of Keypad 4 x 4 ( of course if your cable connection and your program are corrected )